Shipment Attachments

Shipments supports a variety of attachment types which may be added to a Shipment at most points of a lifecycle process. A Shipment attachment may be a picture of a Shipment prepared for movement, issues with a Shipment upon receipt, or may be supporting documentation and material for a Shipment.

Common uses for Shipment attachments would be to provide customs manifests and other documents to have a single clear source for storing these contextual or required artifacts for a Shipment.

Attachments support common document and image formats, and may be uploaded to the shipment through the attachments menu option, shown below.

With the attachment upload, a user may select the file from the local system to be uploaded and may also provide additional comments and information about the attachment. 

A Shipment allows for many attachments to be uploaded to a single Shipment, and each has a timestamp and other details about the user submitting the information to the system.

If a user has permissions, attachments may also be removed from a Shipment, or otherwise viewed and downloaded as required.

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