Shipment Carriers
A Shipment may be tracked or managed via a third-party carrier, such as large commercial shipping companies such as FedEx and UPS, through mail services, or through third party logistics companies. The carrier information can be added to the Shipment in TVA for visibility and to ensure a consistent view of carrier details associated with a Shipment.
A Shipment may have multiple carriers as it moves through various distribution channels, and TVA will feature the most recent carrier on the general Shipment details screen.
To add a new carrier, the Carriers menu option is selected and a carrier will be assigned, as in the example below.
In this example, a carrier may be added to the Shipment and historical carriers will be shown on the screen. The flexibility of the Carrier data screen allows the system to support a range of Shipment carriers, and aids in ensuring a common and consistent view of the Shipment movements and custody.