Introduction to Rules

Rules are a component within TVA that allows information to be automatically evaluated to determine if there is an issue with an item, a value, or a  movement. Rules are automatically evaluated and do not need any manual process to execute, and a rule may result in the generation, escalation, deescalation, or closure of an alert within TVA depending on the rule configuration.

Broadly speaking, rules are generally created as one of two types. The first is a position-based rule that defines an area that an item would need to remain within, or an area that an item should not move into. The second type is a value-based rule, and this is based on the definition of acceptable ranges for a given attribute. A user may specify a low or high value, or both, and may identify both a warning level as well as an alert level for a value being monitored. 

When defined, Rules do not have any specific action, and must be assigned to an item. A Shipment, Asset, or other item, may have rules individually assigned to support the monitoring requirements for the item. Once assigned, the assignment may be paused, enabled, or removed if needed. Note that removing a Rule assignment to an item will not remove the Rule itself.

A Rule may also be assigned to an Item Master record, and this would then be evaluated for any Asset defined in the system based on the record.

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