Introduction to Alerts

Alerts are special events within TVA that is related to either internal items, such as Shipments or Assets, or information received from external systems as well. Alerts are raised when something is not in a proper range, an unexpected event occurs, or an external system identifies that an issue has occurred. 

Alerts in TVA have a lifecycle associated, starting with ACTIVE and ultimately reaching a terminal status of CANCELLED or CLOSED. Any modifications on an Alert may change the severity or details, but may not fundamentally change the intent of the alert. 

An Alert may exist in different severity levels, including NOTICE, WARNING, or ALERT severity. These levels will vary based on the source of the Alert, and are based on the evaluation of the source information driving the Alert. A typical lifecycle for an Alert would be that a sensor value is moving out of range and is opened in a WARNING status, and as the value continues to move, may automatically shift to an ALERT status. Geographic alerts generally are raised immediately at an ALERT level.

Alerts are generated within TVA automatically based on rule and other data evaluation, with the Alerts potentially closing automatically when a situation is resolved, or an Alert requiring manual review and closure.

Within a system, TVA will distribute Alert notifications to team members or to external integrated systems, depending on a tenant configuration.

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