Searching Shipments
Shipments in TVA may be searched by selecting the Search Shipments option from the navigation menu. This will present the user with a page summarizing Shipments, ordered by default from most recently updated to oldest.
The Shipment search page has a set of options at the top of the page, as shown below.
The search bar provides a free text search field that matches against may different attributes of a Shipment. This includes the shipment number, contact names, alternate identifiers, and a range of other fields. As the user types information into this field the search results will automatically refresh to provide the focused view of information.
Adjacent to the search field is a status selection dropdown, where the user may narrow the search to only Shipments of a particular status. Finally, an advanced set of search criteria may be selected and the drop down expanded to show a set of other options. These advanced options include:
- A selection to toggle between all Shipments or only Shipments the user has starred
- A selection for only searching Shipments that have an alert status active
- A time selection to limit the search to only Shipments updated within the given time window
- A keyword or tag selection search
- A customer search to find only Shipments related to the specific customer
- A source (supporting) organization responsible for the Shipment
- A destination (receiving) organization who will receive the Shipment at the completion of the delivery
The search options may be adjusted at any time, and the Shipment search results will update automatically. When the desired Shipment is identified, the user may simply click the Shipment to proceed to the full details.