Introduction to Integrations
The TVA platform supports many types of devices, fixed infrastructure, and other automated data feeds to the system These integrated interfaces are essential to allow TVA to automatically process, evaluate, and respond to external events, ensuring a consistent view of information. Integrated information may provide position updates, security events, sensor data, tag reads, or other correlated information for the system.
To support an integrated interface, TVA allows administrators to create new integration access tokens. The TVA platform will generate secure tokens based on the specified parameters, which include:
- Token Title - The general intent and purpose of the token
- Token Description - Details on the token use and information
- Authentication Username - A username to be paired with the token for service access
- Expiration Date - The last date that the token will be considered valid
With these parameters, an administrator will request TVA to create new tokens, and can use these tokens and other authentication attributes to authorize connections in to TVA to publish new data and to process information.
TVA supports outbound data interfaces as well, with real-time data feeds to integrated systems. These outbound data flows take multiple forms, and may incorporate all data changes within a given scope, alert processing, data notifications, and other information.