Asset Details
TVA provides a detailed summary for all Assets within the system, showing the current state, tags and devices associated, and a range of functions depending on the user's permissions. The Asset details screen provides cross references to other items within the system and all historical events, updates, and notifications may be reviewed to understand the Asset's entire history.
An example Asset details screen is shown below.
In this example there is an Asset that has been positioned based on assigned tags or devices, and the summary details and state is provided. The identifier details shows information about this unique asset, while place assignments highlight that this item is set to remain within a given area. Keywords may be assigned to assets to help search items across the system, by using keyword tags for assets, shipments, and other material for a common search function.
The Asset has been assigned to an individual for custody management, althought the user has not yet confirmed or validated the custody. This confirmation may occur via the web interface, although validation uses the TVA Assets mobile app to confirm the physical item.
The Asset has no assigned tracking device, such as a GPS tracker, but does show the last known position and the current place it is located within. The current place is automatic and any other places, buildings, or areas the asset moves into scope of will be shown.
At the bottom of the details are several drop-down menus, depending on user permissions, and these provide access to create service requests, adjust user assignments, assign new keywords and devices, manually adjust the position, and to print the cargo manifest of the asset if it carries cargo.
Finally the Asset functional drill-down items are shown across the screen, including:
- Details - This Asset details screen
- Update - An update screen to adjust characteristics and details for the Asset
- Tags - A management screen to adjust the associated identification tags, including RFID, NFC, and BLE Beacons assigned to the material
- Sensors - A management and details screen for devices and sensors assigned to track and manage the item
- Rules - Evaluation rules assigned to the device to track security and integrity, and to raise alerts when the asset violates these rules
- Attachments - Attachments, including documents and pictures, to maintain the asset, maintenance history, and compliance information
- Movements - A visual map showing a movement track of the asset over time
- Notes - Notes and comments added to the asset's history
- Requests - Service and support requests entered on the asset over time
- Events - Specific lifecycle events for the asset to show changes and key actions
- Activities - A tracking details display for assets directly integrated to TVA, showing data reports, processing and other information
- Audit - Detailed audit logs for asset managers for drilling into fine-grained asset information
- Delete - The ability to archive or delete an asset, depending on the state and configuration of the item
These functions provide quick access to authorized individuals to view and manage the full lifecycle of the asset.