Asset Custody
Assets may be assigned to an individual responsible for the ongoing maintenance or custody of the material. The custody assignment process allows material to be accountable to individuals in an organization and is part of the broader custody management and accountability functions within TVA.
When an asset is currently assigned, the details screen shows the current user assignment as well as if the user has ever confirmed or validated the custody of the material. These two actions are different in a key way. When a user confirms custody, the individual is using the web page to asset that they have direct custody and control and accountability of the material, while validating involves using the TVA Assets mobile app to interact with an Asset tag. The scanning of the asset tag, for example an NFC tag, ensures that the Asset is present.
When a user has permission to manage the asset assignments, the function will apear under the action menu on the screen. The custody management screen provides an option to remove any current custody assignments, to see recent custody assigments, and to assign a new individual as the asset custodian. An example of this screen is shown below.
In this management screen, a user name is selected in the search box for a new custody assignment, while recent assignments are shown below. This provides a quick historical view of the asset over time, and makes it easy for a user with proper privileges to manage the item. If the asset is already assigned, the box is slightly different to allow the current custody assignment to be removed.
When an asset has custody assigned, it may be viewed on the details summary page, as below.
In this page there is an assignment set, although the user has never confirmed or validated the control of the material. The action menu is shown open in this example to highlight the option for an authorized individual to manage the asset custody.
A user with asset access may navigate to a menu option to view "My Asset Custody Details", which will show the individual all assets assigned to the person. This screen is searchable and individual records may be selected for updates. When selecting an item on the page, the user is shown the custody details and has a few options available.
The user has the ability to submit a note to the asset, providing a centralized mechanism for tracking updates and information. The user may confirm the control and custody of the material, providing insight that the Asset is currently available. Finally, the user may open a request, which would open a service request on the asset when the user needs additional assistance.
Optionally, a user may use the TVA Assets mobile app to more rapidly locate assets, by barcode or other tag scanning, and may confirm and validate custody quickly.