Introduction to Data Management

To drive system functions and operations, TVA requires a range of supporting data to be created and maintained within the system. This data identifies material and item characteristics, inventory lots for managing expiration, customer and supplier details, and a range of other information.

Item data in TVA provides useful context for the system when operating, and allows users to work with familiar names as opposed to long product codes, SKUs, or other identifiers. Item data also provides the ability to consolidate information, such as operating manuals, configuration guides, calibration references, and other information in a single place for the team.

Although all users should have read access to the system data management functions, the ability to update and modify this data is restricted to ensure the integrity and security of the information. A tenant administrator will set the users who have data management capabilities, as this information is critical to workflows and functions.

In addition to item data and other managed information, TVA provides automated access to supporting data without any user involvement. This support data, such as weather alert data, is provided by the TVA platform automatically.

For more information, please review the pages on creating and managing item master data, and other associated reference data within the system.

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