Viewing Location Details

Navigating to the location details may occur through the search process, or through direct links in a range of other warehouse management functions. The location details provides a summary of the location characteristics, and provides functions to authorized users to manage the lifecycle of the location.

An example location details screen is shown below.

This location details screen shows key attributes and characteristics for a location. In this case the location is a storage location and supports open stow, which means any item is eligable to be stored in the location, if the item meets any other location criteria. For example, a location may not allow Hazardous Material to be stored, and so these items would not be eligable for storage.

If the location is set to restricted stow, additional settings are available to specifically list the items and optional maximum quantities for the location. In the screen below, this location has been updated to restricted stow and limited to an item and quantity.

Other options on the screen include viewing location events, which are any inventory changes that have happeend at this location over time. This is a quick and easy way to view changes in inventory, accountable to a specific user and time, for audit and accountabiltiy purposes.

In addition, the current inventory at the location may be viewed, and drilled down to the item level for review.

Finally, optional tags may be assigned to a location to aid in automated processes and functions. These tags may include RFID tags, NFC tags, BLE Beacons, and other technologies, and are used during automated data management and collection processes.


Viewing the location details will provide several optional actions, depending on the user permissions within the system.

First, the ability to update the location is presented to update general characteristics and information about the location. This edit menu provides a form similar to the location creation screen, although some fields are not editable after creation.

Next, the ability to generate a quick location inventory review, or Spot Check, is available. This generates a targeted inventory review ticket, and allows it to be assigned to a team member for execution. The inventory review tickets may be created through the standard process, however this is convienient for quick targeted reviews.

Finally the ability to seal a location is provided. When sealed a location does not allow inventory modifications, but does allow for secured tags to be used to validate the contents of the location. Additional information may be found under the Sealed Locations article.

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