Create an Asset

Creating a new Asset within TVA is a quick process, and can be done manually via the web page, automatically via a data import process, or through custom interfaces in some circumstances. The Asset creation process starts with the identification of the item via it's part or item number.

All items in TVA must be defined with some minimal characteristics, and these definitions are used to drive various workflows and capabilities. The Item Master reference data, part of the reference data management function, allows new items to be added to TVA and subsequently available for Asset Management.

When a serialized item is added to the reference data, it will be available on the Asset Creation screen, and the user will then be taken to the full details description screen shown below.

TVA Asset Creation Screen

The screen shown above is displayed after a serialized item is selected from search, and the description and item type are shown. The primary field to be added at the creation time is the serial number, which may be typed or scanned from the material directly, or generated based on organizational serial number generation parameters. As a note, the serial number generation parameters are globally defined or uniquely item defined, giving a great deal of flexibility in generating new serial numbers.

The next several optional fields include:

  • Asset Unique Identifier - An optional additional identifier used by the source or manufacturer to provide an alternate identifier for the item
  • Asset Type - Metadata on the specific type, which will cause some variation in the form fields provided. For example a Ship or Vessel will allow an MMSI to be provided for automatic tracking of marine assets.
  • Item Grouping Identifier - A non-unique identifier used to create ad-hoc aggregate sets of items for management and tracing purposes.
  • Associated Contract - A non-unique contract number that provided information on provider or support available for the asset.
  • Classification - The classification codes may be defined by an organization to indicate sensitivity or secrecy of a material, against any defined management requirements.
  • Condition - A coding to identify particular organizationally defined condition codes, providing a cross-reference against other enterprise data sources in use.
  • Assigned Device - TVA supports device binding to an asset to track position or status, and this will search any available devices for assignment.
  • Location Description - An optional field allowing the particular location and position details to be defined, for example when infrastructure is mounted in a building or facility.
  • Last Serviced Date - An optional field defining when the asset last received service or maintenance

Next, positional requirements can be defined, which are especially useful when material must remain in a given work site, area, or processing facility. The place, building, or area may be defined and if the Asset is detected outside of this area, an alert will be automatically raised.

Additional fields allow the asset to be associated with a customer, an organization within the tenant, and to control whether the asset will be displayed on the global TVA maps. Also supplemental characteristics may be defined or added as free-text information.

Finally, item tags may be associated with the asset at creation time, including RFID tags, NFC tags, and BLE beacons. These will be added to the asset as a relationship and automatically processed with integrated devices send information to the system.

Once the proper fields are entered, the creation process may be continued and the user will be taken to the new asset for additional management functions and activities.

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