Asset Cargo

If configured, an Asset within TVA is capable of storing and managing cargo, and adjusting the position and state of the cargo items as the Asset itself moves. An Asset such as a truck, shipping container, pallet, or other enclosure may be loaded with a variety of cargo items, and these will be tracked and maintained automatically via the Asset itself.

An Asset cargo details screen is shown below.

In this screen, an ASset has three different types of cargo within the Asset. First, an Asset managed within TVA is located within the Cargo of this asset, and is thus tracked and maintained automatically. Next, a Shipment is loaded into the Asset cargo, and thus includes all material within the Shipment's manifest as well. Finally, the cargo may include arbitrary non-serialized or non-managed items, which are simply identified by quantity and item number.

For each of these items, the cargo management screen allows material to be locked in cargo, which is useful when there is a long-term association that should not be normally broken. For example, a vehicle with specialized radios or devices may be locked cargo associations to avoid improperly disassociating these items.

Cargo may be verified through several mechanisms, and the simplest is simply selecting the verify button next to the cargo item. When selected a confirmation screen is shown to verify the item, shipment, or quantity is properly within the asset cargo.

New items may be added to the cargo through selecting the add cargo button, which searches items and material within TVA for addition.

An item may only be in the cargo of a single asset at once, and material may be scanned automatically to verify cargo items through tags, such as RFID, or bulk cleared if required.

The Asset cargo manifest may be printed at any time, providing details on all categories of items stored within the Asset, and sub-items such as Shipment manifest items.

A printable cargo manifest is shown below.

This manifest provides a summary of all items above, and has quick barcodes for scanning when processing the asset in other environments.

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